
Posts Tagged ‘legal’

Is it legal for Open Learning Home to offer MIT OpenCourseWare?

The short answer:  YES!

This is what MIT OpenCourseWare has to say on the subject.  If you’d like to read more click here.

What are the requirements of use for MIT OpenCourseWare?

The underlying premise and purpose of MIT OpenCourseWare is to make course materials used in MIT courses freely and openly available to others for non-commercial educational purposes. Through MIT OpenCourseWare, MIT grants the right to anyone to use the materials, either “as is,” or in a modified form. There is no restriction on how a user can modify the materials for the user’s purpose. Materials may be edited, translated, combined with someone else’s materials, reformatted, or changed in any other way. However, there are three requirements that an MIT OpenCourseWare user must meet to use the materials:

  1. Non-commercial: Use of MIT OpenCourseWare materials is open to all except for profit-making entities who charge a fee for access to educational materials. Read more…